Health & Safety
Health & Safety is paramount within Watermaiden and is at the forefront of its vision and values.
Since its inception the company, has had no RIDDOR reportable incidents. Its performance during the current year [to date] stands at no incidents and no lost time.
Currently the 2022 AFR = 0
The Company's safety performance is constantly monitored internally and regularly reviewed.
The following items form the company's reporting matrix:
Workload measures Watermaiden monitors its workload measures based on the numbers of hrs worked within the company. Watermaiden finds this the most efficient way of reporting and comparing each contract it has.
Accident Data Reporting all accidents (Major and Minor), First Aid Incidents, No treatment incidents , number of days lost
Other Incident Data Specified Dangerous Occurrence, other incidents including significant property damage or loss, environmental Incidents, chemical spillages.
Environmental Measures
Waste Data (Landfill / Recycling)
Use of Natural Resources
Energy Consumption data
Fuel Usage Data
Carbon Footprint
Positive Reporting data
Near Miss
Unsafe Acts
Company Suggestions
Inspection trend analysis
All incidents and accidents are investigated. Causes are investigated using either Watermaiden's, or in some cases, the client's procedures.