Assessment of Risk
Health and Safety / Environmental
Prior to embarking on any activity WM completes a detailed Site -Specific Risk Assessment and Method Statement. The full Sequence of work, identifying hazards within each sequence, are documented within the method statement and include:
The Activity
The Associated Hazard
The Necessary Control measure to deal with the hazards
Site communications are also documented within the Method Statement and take into account:
Arrangements for the protection and notification of the public and other contractors whilst on site.
Arrangements for pedestrian routes, traffic routes and management plans including temporary traffic light installations, correct functioning checks and after hours monitoring procedures etc.
Risks by association are also documented within the Method Statement these include but are not limited to:-
Customers and members of the public entering the working area
Slips, Trips and Falls
Falls from height
Defective or unsuitable plant/tools and equipment
Manual handling
Dust incl. Silica dust
Cable Strike or utility damage
Impact with moving vehicles
Working on construction sites
Chemical exposure
Exposure to contaminated materials
The method statement is continually reviewed as site conditions change as the works progress.